A high quality product manufactured under strict control procedures

best performance

against erosion

Excellent Hygiene No corrosion from panels

Technology / Installation

We are the leaders

in the field

GRP sectional panel tanks are constructed of panels made from SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) by hudraulic hot press under high temperature (150° C) and pressure conditions to maintin the best endurance.

GRP Tank Specifications and Features

1. System distinctive convex panels base compound by duct tape effectively prevents leakage

2.  Easy cleaning and smooth drainage.

3.  easy examination and inspection of all aspects.

4. can be easily maintenance and change the damaged part when necessary

5. easy access to the tank and addressing any problem easily

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6. Easy replacement of the bottom piece new in a short time

7. can easily increase capacity by adding panels

8. can disassembly and relocation and re-installation easily regardless of capacity

9. made on a hot pressure system which gives regular and smooth surface

10. polished shiny surface prevents dirt adhesion and bacteria

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